Apply to Win $1,000 at the Women World Summit Foundation (WWSF)
Women World Summit Foundation (WWSF) invites women to consult and participate in an empowerment programme for women and women’s organisations around the world.
WWSF convenes the Swiss White Ribbon campaign to eliminate violence against women and girls.
So far, Women World Summit has awarded 442 prizes, which honours women and women’s groups around the world exhibiting exceptional creativity, courage and commitment for the improvement of the quality of life in rural communities. The Prize aims to draw international attention to laureates’ contributions to sustainable development, family-unit food security and harmony, along these lines generating recognition and support for their projects.
WWSF is going to be highlighting and awarding creative development models, innovations and experiences enhancing the quality of rural life.
- $1,000 will be awarded to each laureate.
Nominees should be women and women’s groups currently active in rural life whose efforts have not yet been acknowledged by other awards. Nominees may not nominate themselves.
- The nominating organisation or individual must have direct experience of the nominee’s work.
- The nominator may not nominate a family member, be a member of the nominated organisation, nor can an organisation nominate its senior officer (i.e. Founder, President etc.).
- Not more than three nominees may be presented by the same person/organisation in the same year.
- The nominator commits to organize an award ceremony if the candidate is selected for the Prize and invites the media.
Nomination procedure
Nominations must include the following items:
- Original signed letter of nomination indicating how the nominator knows the nominee and for how long.
- Biographical data on the nominee (full name, age, education, place of work, background) and a detailed history of the nominee’s creative project (written by the nominator) including her motivation, innovative aspects, any obstacles overcome, and the impact in the community.
- Nominations must specify whether the nominee has received or is currently being nominated for other awards.
At least two original and signed endorsement letters from organizations or individuals other than the nominator and, if possible, additional supporting materials such as newspaper articles or publications.
- The long-term impact of the Prize depends on the integrity of the nominators and the quality of their nominations.
- The Prize is an award for successful accomplishments rather than a fund for future projects.
- nominee’s history, written by the nominator (2-3 pages) must demonstrate the creativity, courage and sometimes sacrifice in the efforts by the candidate at the grassroots level to improve life in rural communities.
- Descriptions should be as specific as possible
How to Apply
If interested, you can visit WWSF website to download your nomination form today Deadline for Application is Tuesday, April 30, 2019.