Mauritius to Host 2nd African Space Generation Workshop
The Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications has announced that the second edition for its African Space Generation Workshop flagship event will take place in Mauritius.
The event will take place on 17-18 of December 2018, at the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre (RGSC) in Port Louis, the vibrant capital city of Mauritius. Its first edition took place in 2017 in Nigeria
The African Space Generation Workshop will provide a platform for space enthusiasts, academia, businesses, space agencies and other stakeholders to come together for interactive high-level panel discussions.
The theme for this year’s workshop Launching Africa: Space Exploration, Innovation, and Business will centre on a discussion about space and scientific issues — which are targeted to support upcoming regional and international space policy initiatives motivate youth contribution and improve worldwide collaboration.
Participants will have interactions with experts from the academia, businesses, and space agencies through plenary and panel sessions, keynotes, and interdisciplinary working group conversations — consisting of about 100 delegates in engineering, business, science, arts, medicine, and law from across Africa.
The group will focus on critical space industry opportunities and difficulties, international policy initiatives and cooperation. All discussions are expected to produce suggestions to the relevant public, private, and non-governmental sectors, and to help shape the future of the African space industry.
The Space Generation Workshops (SGWs) are held in every region across Africa, each concentrating on challenges local to each area, and involving both local and regional stakeholders. Reviews and recommendations from the workshop will be presented during a high-level convention and will be included in the SGAC yearly report to be sent to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).
SGW would be an amazing chance for participants to be part of probably the largest gathering of young space professionals in Africa, meet some of the top relevant stakeholders in the industry (Collaborative projects, mentoring, scholarships could happen in meetings like this) and have a feel of the gorgeous island of Mauritius.
There are also scholarships available to aid delegates’ participation in the 2nd African Space Generation Workshop.
Registration for the workshop is currently ongoing through the website. Deadline for registration is Sunday, September 2, 2018.