Get $20,000 in equity-free funding from FbStart Accelerator 2019
The FbStart Accelerator 2019 is a six-month intensive research and master class program for startups that are next generation solutions providers in the tech world.
As at April 2019, FbStart accelerator at NG_HUB had raised $400,000 in grants and investments amongst other highlights. The program aims to establish teams of various individuals with adequate resources from Facebook and CcHub to optimise value.
FbStart Accelerator is on the look out for solutions that solve the problems of:
- Artificial intelligence
- Virtual reality
- Augmented reality
- Data science
- Cohorts will be awarded an equity-free grant worth $20,000 and $10,000 for the student team for start-up
- Total access to corporate partners, stakeholders and a range of network and exhibition at annual Innovation showcase week
- Unlimited access to workshops, seminars and other programs that will aid start-up necessities
- An office space at NG_HUB Yaba and $15000 worth of product and services courtesy of Facebook and CcHub
- One-on-one mentorship with in-house experts
To be eligible for the program, it is mandatory to meet the following requirements:
- Teams are mandated to have an engineer or technicians with the knowledge and skill to build advanced technology
- Applications are only acceptable in Ghana and Nigeria
- The program is designed for two purposes; onsite acceleration for start-up teams i.e start-ups with existing products and market base; and virtual acceleration for student teams with a workable template
- Be a BSc, MSc, PhD degree student in a Nigerian/ Ghanaian institution as at July 2019
How to apply
To get started with the process, kindly fill the E-application form below. Application ends on Sunday, June 30, 2019.
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