Agrostrides 30 Nomination Opens for Young African Agric Entrepreneurs
Agrostrides 30 under 30 (Africa) opens nomination for innovative, creative and daring and young people in the agricultural sector.
Agrostrides is a global agricultural media company committed to inspiring young people to practice agriculture by showing them how profitable agriculture is as a business.
This is achieved through Agrostrides magazine which tells compelling stories of other young people in the sector making a living from agriculture production, processing, agricultural technology, research and other aspects of the value chain.
The nomination seeks to recognise and celebrate the effort of innovation in the following agricultural space; agric-focused venture capital/funders, agricultural development experts, founders of an agriculture incubator/accelerators, agritech founders, agricultural media personalities, agro-processors.
To be eligible for the Agrostrides 30, the following are essential;
- At least one founder on your team must be younger than 30 years old as of the 31st of December 2018
- Citizenship doesn’t matter but the business must be most prominent in Africa
N.B: If the business has more than one founder then ensure to list the names of all co-founders under the age of 30 when nominating If not they won’t be considered. Also, the information you provide may be published
How to apply
Are you someone who fits these criteria or you know someone who you think should join the under 30 (Africa) community? Visit the link to fill the nomination form. Deadline is Monday, July 30, 2018.
Featured Image: commons.wikimedia.org